Which Website Design
At the start of most projects the subject of which website design to pick comes up. Often a client has a design in mind because they have seen another site they like and want one similar. Others want us to design a site that both stands out and is fashionable. So how do we choose?
Recently YB12 Coach Nick Briggs approached us to build his business website and we discussed the subject of which website design to choose. We had previously built a site for a colleague of his which he liked a lot. He didn’t want it to be the same but knowing the type of site he liked allowed us to plan around this style.
Popular Web Designs For 2015

If you look around some of the most visited sites in the world you can often see a pattern. twitter.com, apple.com, Airbnb.co.uk and PayPal.com all have 4 thinks in common:
- A minimalist menu which doesn’t take up much of the screen.
- A large image related to their business.
- Very little writing but what is there is designed to grab your attention.
- 1 or 2 ‘Call To Action Buttons’ which attempts to entice the visitor to delve further into the site or contact the company.
These companies pay thousands to researchers to give them advice on what visitors are attracted to when they visit a site and what style or design is trending. In fact many of these companies are the trend setters so why not follow their advice FOR FREE! This is what we need for Nick and his Lancashire YB12 Coaching business.
What Others Think
If you don’t go down the ‘what’s trending just now’ route then just one word of warning! Of course it is important that you like the look of your website but remember it’s not you that is going there for business. Make sure you ask friends, family and business associates what they like and dislike about your planned design too. It must entice visitors to stay. If you consider these points when you are thinking about which website design to go for you will not go far wrong.
Thanks for reading.